Can Early Childhood Trauma Cause Depression
I have a very hard time getting and staying motivated. My soul mate recently died leaving a mountain of things to do fortunately it's not a financial problem
Yes it can. I struggle with this a lot. Last week my depression was bad and I had no motivation to do anything. I made myself walk that was a distraction for me.
It's actually pretty easy to understand it's getting rid of it that is the challenge, as far as trauma is is usually centered around an even to r experience in your life that caused you to shut down later in life maybe you we're yelled at often as a kid well that yelling is deep inside your unconscience waiting for a trigger response to awaken it. it doesn't always happen. the trigger in this case is somebody yelling at you or just yelling in general that is a basic definition but it is rather complex
Most definitely , it eventually catches up to you.
I'm sorry for your loss. As far as motivation goes, perhaps start with something small that you have always wanted to do but didn't have the time for. You can build from there. Good luck :)
I think so. I don't know much about trauma but it is effecting the way I am handling things now, and it leeds me into depression. This is all new to me so I don't quite understand it.
Does Anyone Know Of A Therapy Technique That Is Specifically Designed To Help You Heal From Childhood Trauma?
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