How Do You Handle Manic Episodes
If I'm lucky, sometimes at work I can get a lot of work done. Usually though I can't sit still and then my anxiety kicks in. Try some deep breathing exercises.
Being bi-polar, it's easy to tell when I'm depressed. Yet mania is much harder to self recognize because it feels good sometimes. It's like a sudden burst of energy.
When I recognize mania, I try to keep up with things I let go during a depressive episode; such as cleaning, cooking, following up with doctors.
A lot of the time, when mania comes, anger pops up. Instead of being angry, I paint, draw, write, and educate myself on various topics. Usually ecology.
Mixed episodes are the trickiest of all.
Take advantage of them in positive, productive ways if at all possible... Let someone you know and trust that you are feeling manic to help you get through it safely. Not over spending, sleeping enough, not drinking, etc. or engaging in any other reckless behavior if possible... As these times can be times of great creativity and productivity. But, if that is not possible, seek medical attention as soon as possible to see what your doctor can do to adjust your medications or even hospitalize you for a brief while if your episode is severe. Remember you want to do no harm.
Never had one thank goodness.
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