Has Anyone On Here Been Diagnosed With A Spinal Cord Injury From Bulging Disc?
I always wear my back brace,all day, every day and I even sleep in it.And it does keep me steady and sometimes I wear my neck brace too.Its a good idea to wear support until you completely heal.🤗
I just recently had Lumbar-Spinal decompression. Lamectomy. Now 5 wks check up and release but he wouldn't because of unballance issue. Ordered CT And have a Pars fracture between L 4-5 same place as surgery. He still won't release.
I have had surgery on my lower back and on my neck three times for bulging disc and am waiting to see a doctor now because I have two more bulging in the lumbar region that the MRI showed and from the way my neck, arms and shoulders are feeling I am afraid there may also be another in the cervical area.
How many do you have and are you going to have surgery? It is very important to find a good surgeon, that is why I had to have three on my neck. The one that did the last one also did my lower back and is OCD and will admit it and that is who I am waiting to see.
Please share more about your situation and what you are doing to try to help it.
My lower back problems getting worse
L3 thru S1 deteriorating year by year
I’ve tryed everything drs say just be active and take meds
My brother has had surgery on all 4 parts of the spine and his coccyx and he is 74 yrs.old and doing well.
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