Does Anyone Here Have The Light & Weather Effect Their Depression???
I get more depression on cloudy days without much sunlight.
Same here. I live in a little 550sq.ft apartment that I highly dislike. My two things are light. Both window blinds open and have 7 lamps with daylight bulbs in all. That's not counting the ceiling lights. The 2nd overwhelming issue is air circulation, in my apt besides 4 ceiling fans I also have 6 fans. Can't stand standing air. My 35 yr old son who has always been a jokster and heart of gold ame in 2 months ago and shockingly said "Mom, do ya need another light in here? This is while squinting his eyes and holding onto door facing like he was fighting high winds!! Look up with that smile of his smiling while he gave me huge hug telling me he loved me. He makes me laugh and love him to peices. He knows light and air circulation are important to me. Those who also have same issues try it. I also take Vit.D every morning. Below is the son who loves to make me laugh
Kalli, I find I'm in more physical pain when the temperature and humidity rises.
Thank him for me, Debbie, for making you laugh! 🤗
Honestly, I get depressed in sunny days with extreme heat. I'm happiest in fall or winter where weather is dry & cool
In my life it has always been "Seasonal Affective Disorder " (SAD) Once autumn and winter I battle with severe depression due to the short days/cloudy days. Lamps just hurts my eyes and I am in an apartment with 1 window. On sunny days I go to a coffee shop that has windows in the sun.So I sit in the sun and read/write
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