Does Anyone Else Ever Feel All Alone, Even When There Are People Around You? Does Anyone Else Feel Like Their Life Is Coming To An End?
Had an MRI and it showed damaged blood vessels, in my brain; they were checking for MS, as I've had all the symptoms for over 2 years now, but I didn't get the results for that, either yes or no, so they've left me hanging there.
Now they want me to see a neurologist. Why? I'm not letting him break my skull open. Hell no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just wanted to know if I have MS!
They're good at that alright, but if they still want to rule out M.S. they will likely order a B.ilateral E.voked A.uditory & a B.ilateral E. voked V.isual R.esponse test, as they did on me.
Hope you hear back from them soon.
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