Just A Thought
Does everyone else ever feel depressed when you are happy..I mean I should be happy but I feel like I'm exhausted and I don't want to do this today..but have too
I can relate,sometimes even when I am not depressed as much I tend to get overwhelmed thinking about small house cleaning chores: have learned to split house cleaning tasks into smaller tasks that are more manageable for me .
It happens.. We have to pace ourselves, not try to do too many things ione day@
I can't write today... I'm on a med for 7 days that makes me dizzy.
.Another day!
It took me a long time to realize and understand that I don't have to do 50 million things in one day as long as I do what I can
Yes but I have to keep myself motivated in the future and keep believing that I am worth it. I do slump pretty low but I know that I'm loved and lovable and that's what keeps me going. Also God is always giving me what I need, when I need it
Join the club, but you just have to do a little bit at time
Have Our Team Moderators Left The Building? Have Not Heard From Them Since After The Election.
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Is Medication A Bad Thing?