Why Is It So Hard To Start A Conversation Because I Am Way Too Shy, I Don't Know What To Say And Afraid Of Being Ignored And Rejection?
I have always had the problem with starting conversations, I am way too shy to message first, I don't reach out because I have the fear of rejection and being Ignored. It is too the point I don't even make phone calls because they are not for me but at the same time I am going to do what I want to do, what I am comfortable with because texting or email is much easier for me because I will be quiet the whole time if I was ever on the phone or even on video calls because I get really nervous when… read more
I feel exactly the same way.
I try to speak with my coworkers, but were loud. Concludes my thinking "if you don't speak up, never get heard at all"
me too
Im literally afraid of rejection. I never know what to do
Online I can say everything I want.
Face to face I fear rejection. I always feel like I'll sound stupid or say something to offend the person. I hate going out to events where I must socialize. I will sit in a corner and read a book on my phone while everyone else is taking and having fun.
I don't thin k anyone really knows me, the real me.
I wish I could be free and not shy to just talk to people.
How Do You Get Through And Be Productive If Your Desire To Try Is Gone And You Feel Nothing?
How Far Is To Far, When Others What To Push Your Buttons?
Do Any Of You Talk To Yourselves Out Loud