Anybody Have Any New Year's Resolutions That They Would Like To Share?
I try and do this every year but do I stick to the resolutions when the going gets tough?
I'm going to try and listen more and talk less. I read recently that people get annoyed when seniors ( in my 60s) tell too many stories (because we have lived long enough to have a story for every situation) and then people don't have fun. Remind myself not everything warrants a reply. If I want to tell more stories I'll write them. Then people can choose whether or not they read them.
But I'm also going to give myself a little more grace if I forget and ramble on.
No, sweetheart. I try to do my very best every day.
Paint every day
@A MyDepressionTeam Member I have goals, but I don't consider them New Year resolutions. If I accomplish them all before January 1, I'll make new goals! However, if I don't make anything happen by the end of the year, I'll continue into the next one! I want to achieve my goals asap, but I don't put myself under pressure to achieve them by a certain time!
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