Name The Top 3 People You Immediately Answer Their Calls Or Matter What You Are Doing..
I have 5 kids and when I text or call any of them, I rarely get a return call or text. Sometimes I will get a return call or text days later.
People are just ignorant and selfish.My sister is the same way.Says she did not see the message till days later but always on her phone when she comes around.Like we will text our nephews and niece to check on them but not vice versa.People pick and choose who to make time for
My best friend, Marilyn. We have been friends for 42 years. My son, David. Whenever I am either physically or mentally ill he comes to see me straight away. He lives 90 miles away and comes by public transport but he comes as soon as he can. My friend, Hilary. She helps as and when she can. My 2 friends are both Christians, as am I. I try to be there for them, too.
Its not something one can just snap out of
I answer the texts of friends and family except when I am at work.
Nice to have that support.
Your Thoughts? No Judgment!
This Is For The Gratitude Group
How To Answer About Suicide And After