How Do You Cope With Depression And Health Anxiety On A Daily Basis, I Am Struggling With My Health Anxiety Alot.
Was diagnosed with major depression in 2000, my health anxiety is currently overtaking my life. Scared and stressed over gatherings, for scared of having an anxiety attack, for I get terrible muscle spasm during my attacks and our state hospitals are terrible, so scared of even going to hospital.
Liesl I understand about your anxiety and the attacks but please try to push yourself through them. If there is someone that is at most of the gatherings, that you feel you can lean on, talk with them about your anxiety and if they don’t know the breathing exercises you need to teach them. That way if you feel an attack starting you can go to them and you both can try to find a quiet place so they can talk to you and both of you concentrate on your breathing . I hate to go anywhere and I only go to doctors appointments but the other day I was getting ready to go and an attack started to pull me in, so I just stopped what I was doing and sat on the bed. I had no one to help so I started talking to myself and then started my breathing exercises, it was an appointment I couldn’t cancel because it was the pain clinic that I have to go every month for meds for my back. Anyway after 20 minutes or so I had calmed down and not shaking very much but ended up getting ready and going to doctor and I always have to go alone Also on your breathing it is just like trying to get your BP down, in through the one and out through your mouth which I am sure you know but we forget sometimes during an anxiety attack and it can make us worse if we don’t concentrate and breathe correctly
Hugs and hopefully this can help you even if you have to make a message of yourself to listen to when you begin to feel one beginning.
Prayers and Meditation 🧘♀️ 🙏
I Googled "Cape Town anxiety treatment" and a lot of interesting options came up, Liesl, including reddit conversations about options. Hopefully you can find a therapist who's a good fit for you. 💝
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