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Top 10 search results for "Rexulti" in Resources. To see all results and access other features, sign up for free.

"Exercise always helps with my depression. It is actually the only thing that helps get me out of...

Exercise and Depression

"Exercise always helps with my depression. It is actually the only thing that helps get me out of...
Weight gain and changes to appetite can be a symptom of depression as well as a side effect of so...

Weight Gain and Depression

Weight gain and changes to appetite can be a symptom of depression as well as a side effect of so...
Bipolar disorder is characterized by alternating periods of mania and depression.There are three ...

What Is Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar disorder is characterized by alternating periods of mania and depression.There are three ...
Depression is a persistent low mood that affects everyday actions and behaviors. While most peopl...

Depression – An Overview

Depression is a persistent low mood that affects everyday actions and behaviors. While most peopl...
"Life is too short. I can't control everything in my life. Trying to is exhausting!!" - member of...

The Power of Letting Go of What You Can't Control

"Life is too short. I can't control everything in my life. Trying to is exhausting!!" - member of...
If you’re living with depression, you may be wondering whether vitamin D can affect your mental h...

Vitamin D and Depression: What’s the Link?

If you’re living with depression, you may be wondering whether vitamin D can affect your mental h...
Feeling numb and withdrawn is one of the more isolating things about depression. Many people assu...

Feeling Numb and Depression

Feeling numb and withdrawn is one of the more isolating things about depression. Many people assu...
This time of the year can be overwhelming with expectations around the holidays, and living with ...

Practicing Gratitude With Depression

This time of the year can be overwhelming with expectations around the holidays, and living with ...
No matter how severe depression can be, treatment is available. The two most common types of trea...

Treatments for Depression

No matter how severe depression can be, treatment is available. The two most common types of trea...
Making positive lifestyle changes and adopting habits that promote well-being help some MyDepress...

Creating Healthy Habits to Manage Depression

Making positive lifestyle changes and adopting habits that promote well-being help some MyDepress...