Doctors used to divide schizophrenia into five main types based on which symptoms a person had. Because the symptoms of schizophrenia often vary from person to person, classifying this mental health condition into subtypes helped doctors predict how schizophrenia might affect someone.
In recent decades, it’s become clear that these classic schizophrenia subtypes often aren’t helpful. You may not fit perfectly within one of these categories, and you may switch between different types of schizophrenia over the course of your life.
However, you may still find it helpful to learn about the different groups of symptoms that are part of schizophrenia. This may help you better understand your own or a loved one’s medical condition.
Mental health experts, like doctors of psychology and psychiatry, use a guide called the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) to help define and diagnose various conditions. Past versions of the DSM have categorized schizophrenia into five types.
Before 2013, mental health experts categorized schizophrenia into five types.
You can read more about the five classic types below, but know that these labels are now considered outdated in the current version of the DSM and by most health care providers.
Paranoid schizophrenia has two key symptoms — paranoia (being suspicious of others or feeling like you can’t trust them) and delusions (false beliefs). This type of schizophrenia is typically treated with antipsychotic medications and talk therapy such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), a treatment in which a mild electrical current is delivered to the brain, may also help.
Sometimes called hebephrenic schizophrenia, disorganized schizophrenia commonly leads to three key symptoms:
Health experts used to consider the disorganized subtype as the most severe form of schizophrenia. It often develops earlier in life, in a person’s 20s or 30s. This type can be treated with typical schizophrenia therapies, including medications, talk therapy, and ECT.
The term “catatonia” refers to multiple symptoms in which you behave unusually and can’t properly control the way your muscles move. People with catatonic schizophrenia may:
Catatonic behavior is often treated with ECT or benzodiazepines — calming medications used to treat seizures or anxiety.
In the past, a person would receive a diagnosis of undifferentiated schizophrenia if they had a couple of general schizophrenia symptoms — like delusions, hallucinations (including auditory hallucinations), unusual speech patterns, or atypical behaviors — but didn’t meet the criteria to be diagnosed with the paranoid, disorganized, or catatonic subtypes.
A diagnosis of residual schizophrenia used to mean that a person has had typical schizophrenia symptoms in the past but no longer experiences them. They also often experience negative symptoms — the absence of usual behaviors or habits. Negative symptoms of schizophrenia may include speaking infrequently, having few or no facial expressions, withdrawing from other people or activities, or having very low motivation levels. These exist in contrast to the positive symptoms, which are things people with schizophrenia experience that the general population doesn’t.
In general, mental health professionals can reliably diagnose schizophrenia — if a person has certain characteristic symptoms, different doctors will give you the same diagnosis of schizophrenia. This diagnosis can then be used for coming up with a useful treatment plan, which may include medications, support groups, therapy, and more.
Mental health experts currently classify schizophrenia based on whether someone has experienced a single episode or multiple.
However, the same can’t be said for the traditional schizophrenia subtypes. Different providers may each tell you that you have a different subtype of schizophrenia.
Additionally, the subtypes are not stable over time. In other words, you may meet the criteria for one subtype when you are first diagnosed, but a year later you may have symptoms that more closely resemble a different subtype.
There are also other issues with the classic schizophrenia types. While schizophrenia can run in families, different family members often have different subtypes, indicating that genetics may not determine which type a person has. Subtypes also aren’t useful in that they don’t often tell health care providers which treatments may be most helpful or what a person’s prognosis (outlook) is likely to be.
Overall, dividing cases of schizophrenia into subtypes isn’t that helpful when it comes to diagnosing the condition or coming up with an appropriate treatment plan.
Experts released the fifth edition of the DSM, called the DSM-5, in 2013. This guide no longer includes definitions for different subtypes of schizophrenia. In the same year, the American Psychiatric Association determined these traditional classifications were outdated, and most health care providers no longer use these terms.
Mental health care providers have moved from diagnosing someone with one type of schizophrenia to diagnosing them with a schizophrenic spectrum disorder. Then they use the types above, along with some other related disorders, to determine where on the spectrum a person is. This change is based on new research about schizophrenia, brain images, and genetic studies on the causes of schizophrenia.
The disorders that were once thought of as separate types of schizophrenia are now thought of as parts of one larger disorder that can show up in different ways. Some people may even experience a variety of types of schizophrenia over their lifetime.
The DSM-5 uses other ways of describing schizophrenia. Now, experts categorize schizophrenia based on how the condition has progressed over time and how it is currently affecting you.
A person needs to have been living with schizophrenia for one year or more before a doctor can accurately diagnose them with one of these classifications.
Schizophrenia often leads to episodes in which symptoms of psychosis become much worse. After some time, the episode may end, and the person may experience few or no symptoms until they have another episode. Currently, experts classify cases of schizophrenia based on whether a person has experienced a single episode or multiple.
Health care providers also classify schizophrenia based on whether a person is currently in the middle of an episode, is in partial remission (symptoms are improving but still present), or are in full remission (the person is currently not experiencing any schizophrenia symptoms).
Now, experts may say your schizophrenia falls into one of the following groups:
A person needs to have been living with schizophrenia for one year or more before a doctor can accurately diagnose them with one of these classifications. A person’s classification may also change over time. This information helps their doctor understand how their schizophrenia has affected them in the past, as well as what types of treatments they may currently need.
If you have symptoms of catatonia, your doctor may specify that you have schizophrenia with catatonia, since these symptoms are often treated with different types of medications.
Your doctor may also measure how severe your schizophrenia is. To do this, they may work with you or your loved ones to rate the severity of each main schizophrenia symptom.
Other related conditions also fall under the schizophrenia spectrum umbrella. These schizophrenia spectrum disorders include:
If you or a loved one are living with schizophrenia, speak with a health care provider. Your doctor can help you better understand what types of schizophrenia symptoms you or your loved one may have. They can also recommend a treatment plan and help you understand how to better live with schizophrenia.
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This is such a difficult disease to navigate and help a loved one who is going through all of this. My son has disorganized, schizophrenia and catatonic, schizophrenia with hallucinations and… read more
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