Has Anyone Gone To Support Group Meetings? Do They Help? I Cannot Find One In My Area And Am Considering Starting A Group.
@Abula I have also tried one on one counselling and I just felt that I was more advanced than they were. One lady started telling me her problems. Another one was afraid for me to open up with all that I had to deal with. I got sympathy and didn't need that. So when I did the outpatient group therapy and a counselor that was not going to feel sorry for me and give me real truthful feedback it was invaluable. There are so many people that have been through everything you can imagine and when I would hear their story it would make me feel empathy for them and glad I had my problems and not theirs. I ended up staying in the program for a year and it was only a 3 month program. He let me stay because it took me a while to let in what I was to learn. So I would repeat every 3 months and watch how the program was presented the same and finally let it in. Even to look at a sheet of paper with faces of all the feelings we could be feeling and we had to pick one. I never really knew how I was feeling and just picked one to get my answer out. Towards the end I could actually identify what I was feeling and really be feeling it. There was so much more. I was very lucky to find this program and they let me stay until it sunk in what they were trying to teach us. I still have my struggles but I have changed forever. I am no longer a victim. I am a survivor. We are all survivors and I don't say that lightly because everyone has their own experiences and could have physical limitations too. So many different stages of depression. I admire that we are the survivors reaching out. It proves that we want to understand and get through this terrible disease called Depression.
Exactly that. If you run it the way an AA meeting is run where different people chair the meeting everytime. Also you might want give. 3 min to each person to talk if you have a big group. Good Luck
I'm going to group starting 31st this month. I'm hoping it will help
@A MyDepressionTeam Member, yes I wish others would understand it is a medical condition. Not just all in our heads.
Glad that I could share. All the best to you and yes we are here for a reason. We also deserve help with our conditions as if it was diabetes or heart disease. Depression is an illness.
Does Anyone Know If There Are Any Active Bipolar Support Groups In Butler And Hamilton County, Ohio???...
Hi All? Is Anyone Aware Of Online Depression Support Groups Available To Anyone? I'm In Kentucky But Can't Seem To Find One. Thanks All.
I Want To Watch A Sad Movie About BPD. Is Fatal Attraction Worth My Time?