I Want To Watch A Sad Movie About BPD. Is Fatal Attraction Worth My Time?
Nope, try Girl Interrupted instead. Fatal Attraction is a very negative view, and not accurate.
I saw "Girl Interrupted" it made me upset about those girls lives. I liked "Silver Lining Playbook". Jennifer Lawrence won a Oscar for Best Supporting Actress.
Any movie that causes you to feel, and think but be safe is good. If you don't like it STOP the tape. Depends on your mood at that time.
You need to watch a movie that brings happiness and not a sad movie
I’m a sensitive empathic person with traumas from youth bc of my experiences with a Perv that stalked me and threatened my life & also a rapist who miraculously aborted his intentions. Total God story!🙌 I can’t watch Psycho thrillers at all. Too much anxiety created. I stick to Comedy, Feel good relationship movies, history or educational. And who doesn’t love the PBS music specials about The Carpenters, Classic R & B, 60s and 70s music. :D
Do You Always Feel Like You Don't Deserve Anything Good In Your Life? So, You Sabotage Yourself And Don't Get Any Good?
Why Can I Not Watch Comedy Anymore?
Does Anyone Ever Feel Lowly Motivated? I'm Not Talking Lazy Here. I Mean Do You Ever Feel Like You Just CAN"T Do Something.