What is the difference between transcendental meditation and just meditating?
It's quite expensive to do a course on it so was wondering if anyone knows of some free trials in it?
Has it helped you? And in what way?
I was able to take the Tm course 15 years ago. There are times when I don't do it and it really makes life harder. I have known about a cheaper, much cheaper way to learn meditation along with a personal mantra which is the main thing about TM. It's called The Deborah King Center, it's almost identical to TM. Check it out if your interested. She is a Master Healer and has history of major abuse but overcame a lot of her demons. Good luck..
This is interesting! I have been meaning to take up meditation and the two resources given here seem good. I can see value in both escapist and reality meditation ...
I did TM quite a few years ago. I didn't really like the mantra, it was a really boring uninspiring word. Now, on the rare occasions I remember, I use Om instead. This post makes me want to give it another go.
The only between meditation and TM is the mantra which they give you at the center. You can have your own mantra. You don't need a mantra to meditate unless you prefer on. Meditating consists of remaining silent in your self talk. I meditate holding onto an image that I select. You can also find meditation music on You Tube, as well as, guided meditation.
I have tried TM and found that it was helpful. Haven't practiced it for years now. Still remember my mantra however. I bought a CD of meditations recently on Amazon. Have not tried them yet, but I plan to maybe this evening.
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