How Izit Like Being On Treatment..
I started suffering from depression since the age of 18 and over the years it's been getting worse.anxiety just started 2 years ago,so I have been going back and birth about going to see a psychologist.I'm afraid I'll be out on some kinds of question is,how does medication help with anxiety and depression.will they help or will just make things worse.
@ThuskieMusanoPhodzo Sorry. What shall I call you? Thuskie? This will teach me to answer a question without looking at the question. To begin again....If you go to a psychologist they will NOT prescribe medication only a doctor can do that. So what I said previously about a psychologist is still true. However the psychologist may recommend you see a doctor - a psychatrist for medication. There is a bunch(read that tons) of medications that can be tried. There whole focus is to make people better not worse. To alleviate depression or anxiety. It's a journey that you go through with the psychatrist. One drug may work or you might need to try more. I hope this helps.
Thuskie, my experience over decades of receiving antidepressants and anti-anxiety drugs was that they gave me minimal if any relief. I have pretty much tried them all. I dealt with major depression and suicidal ideation most of my life. I have been off the medications for several months now and have been feeling gradually better. I am no longer numb, no longer suffering from side effects like weight gain and extreme fatigue, and am learning coping techniques and new ways of thinking with the help of a good therapist. I am not saying not to try medication if it is prescribed for you, but be aware that it does not work for many people, and whether it helps or not, it should be combined with talk therapy. The most important thing is to stand up for yourself when dealing with mental health professionals. If something or someone is not working, make a change.
Thanx I'll take your advice coz I see no light at the end of the tunnel
The antidepressant I'm on now saved my life - so I highly recommend going on one. I used to feel like there was no light at the end of the tunnel, and now I'm not even in the tunnel :) I have good days and bad days, but the bad days are caused by stress.
You can call me THUSKIE,ok I see,I use to think psychologists are the ones who prescribe , that's why I was sceptical of going but I'll definitely consider going now.
New Zealand Petition
New Zealand Petition For Medication Brand Change
Mirena IUD And Depression (for The Ladies)