Suggestions For Guided Meditation
I need suggestions for guided meditation to help with my C-ptsd from narcissistic abuse, flight or fight, anxiety. I constantly have background noise in my head of all the abuse, memories, etc, which just keeps my anxiety high all the time, i enjoy the guided meditation but can't find some specific to what i need, The constant chatter in my head, the flashbacks, etc.
@A MyDepressionTeam Member - There’s an app if you have an IPhone by Glen Harrold which I first began with that literally made my anxiety and panic attacks become nothing but a memory.
Or if you have YouTube, look up any meditation that has binerial beats, and releases serotonin within the mediation :) xx
@Mzcn1- yes i know right!!
i have been using Glen Harrolds Apps from google play, for 4 years to help me sleep and with anxiety relief - he is amazing at what he does Hypnoises or guided Meditation for many things like peace, eating disorders even public speaking nerves too.
There are CD's that will start with how you are breathing and relaxing. Then mussle tightening and release. Toward the end you are listening to the beach. It may be available in utube or online. She has written Sharon Thomas 'Calm' relaxation (Beach). There are different ones.
Insight timer is a great meditation app 😃
I use meditation for depression, especially when I am flat on my face in bed and can't get up. I go to YOU TUBE and search Meditation for Depression.
Some are guided with voice. There are a lot of them. So I loop autoplay and just keep meditating.
Two of my favorites are Dr. Moses Nassar / Christian Meditation and Detachment from Overthinking.
I also meditate at night before bed starting with meditation for children for my daughter,
. I loop the videos so I have healing music playing softly for my whole family thruout the night.
Has Anyone Tried Meditation
What's The Best Free App For Guided Meditation And Anxiety?