How Does A Person Take Care Of Thier Bills When They Cant Work Due To Panic Attacks?
My step daughter died in june 2016 and my husband died in august 2016 due to one single bee sting. I have tried working the longest i lasted was 2 weeks because of my panic attacks. I cant draw from his social security because we was only married 5 yrs. So what does one do to keep electric and water on? My mom has been helping me some but she lives on a fixed income. Ive been diagnosed with Ptsd depession anxiety and panic disorder.
Try and file for your disability. Mental health is one of the main classes of people that are on disability. Get you a good doctor to help you. It may take a while but hang in there because you will eventually get it. Prayers
You are not alone. I think the answer is we keep trying. At least that's what I am told by my mental health team. Keep trying. I totally understand what you are talking about just got canned yesterday. I was there 3 months!! I was proud of that. Kind felt good. Then I happened. I also fight several diagnosis. I just know I might look able but some days I can't. People don't understand. It hard but just pray and try to see one more day. Good luck.
Yes. Apply for disability and also get in touch with the creditors to explain what has happened. Another thing you could try is work from home. Depending on your experience, there are many options. My husband just found a company and he already has made $230 in 1 week. Stay positive and don't give up as hard as it may seem.
God Bless.
So sorry Lareina. Don't give up! Stay positive. I have God in my life, so when I start to feel like giving up, I pray. Staying positive isn't always easy but, it can help. You will find something else!! I will say a prayer for you.
You can always apply for disability. It can be difficult and it seems like a lot of people get denied their first time applying, but it is possible to obtain when you have a mental illness that prevents you from working. It will be a fixed income, but it is something.
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