Does Anybody Else In Here Find Themselves Doing Things, Or Having Done Things And Lost All Memory Of Doing It? I Have Severe PTSD Etc.
I'm taking 225mg Venlafaxin, 600mg of Pregabalin (for neuropathic pain as well as anxiety) 300mg of Quetiapine at night. Plus Tramadol, diazapam and Naproxen for a spinal injury.
O i thought it was just me iv no memory at all and ita getting worse fa
Yes and it seem to be getting worst so I start do memory games and keeping track of what I have done.
Yes, when in a severe dissociated state from extreme panic. Depersonalization has done this to me. Terrible feeling. The drugs you are on seem to be very tranquilizing as well. Hefty combo.
Hey Nico how do you get all of your meds prescribed to you?
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)
Experience With Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)
Was Wondering On Anyone's Bad Days Do They Ever Feel Numb Inside?