Manic What Does That Mean
My daughter has been diagnosed with being bi polar plus several other conditions. About every two weeks, she gets sick really bad, and Iām the one she usually takes it out on
mania is the opposite of depression,depends on your type of bipolar disorder you have,my ex was a rapid cycler bipolar1 so he can go from depression to mania frequently and some people its more stretched out and can last for longer time spans can go from one day to weeks,i have had episodes of hypomania which is a lower level of mania but no that often
When you go from extreme depression to a high euphoric in a day
Noni was asking because I believe.our roommate is a paranoid schizophrenic. I also believe he is manic atm. bipolar.and control it with medication
Manic has many meanings. Are you being diagnosed by your doctor or someone who is trying to help you?
How Do You Deal With Manic Episodes?
Does Anyone Know If Crying Spells Are Really Part Of The Mania In Bipolar?
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