How To Answer About Suicide And After
Someone asked me why people commit Suicide when they’re going to hell all I could say from my own life is that not really thinking where your going but person still didn’t understand and even thinks I’ll dying people shouldn’t take there life that’s a sin too so how would you answer that to someone who’s also old and religious ?
We don't have to be religious to be spiritual! Meditation and self examination are very personal and a good way to stay grounded! Any relationship with your Higher Power cna be meaningful and helpful throughout life. God doesn't live in a building, He doesn't need religion to be effective! God can be anything you need him to be. Good , Orderly, Direction!
I've read the entire Bible and I go to a nondenominational Christian church. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that suicide will make you go to hell.. Your friend must be Catholic. They believe that you must ask forgiveness for your sins in order to be forgiven so you can go to heaven. Since if your dead you cannot ask forgiveness, Catholics believe that suicide is a ticket to hell. This is so NOT true according to the Bible. My pastor speaks at funerals of suicide victims and it sad how many mourners believe that their loved one is in hell. This undue burden must be taken off of those who've lost someone to suicide. Please. Read the Bible. That's my answer to anyone who believes otherwise. I hope I didn't make any enemies with this answer. It just hits really close to my heart.
It's not that we are or want to commit suicide. It's how do you explain to others who don't understand or have never felt this way. I mentioned some reasons why people attempt suicide. I also mentioned why people don't help. I also passed on what I learned, communication is a big key to getting help for yourself and others.
It's not the thought of where you are going. It is the thought of I'm in pain, No one understands, No one can help me, No one cares, I can't take it anymore, I don't want to feel this pain anymore, etc. Attempts of suicide are cries for help. sometimes the attempts are successful ending in death. A lot of people write off the warning signs as the person just wants attention, you shouldn't feel that way, you're making a big deal out of nothing, etc. The truth is people are afraid to deal with someone who has suicidal thoughts. Having Suicidal thoughts can be confusing one moment everything is fine, the next minute everything is upside down. The best advice is if you are thinking of suicide talk to someone, a professional, a family member, a trusted friend, a support group member, a minister the whole idea is they can talk to you until the thoughts are gone, they can get you to help if needed. Having been down this road I've learned the warning signs so I can help others and myself. I've learned when I'm feeling this way to seek help. There are people who just don't understand those people aren't a good choice to go to for help.
Completely agree with you. I almost married a Catholic man and we ended our relationship for this very reason. God loves everyone, Jesus died for everyone, absolutely everyone. You're right there is ZERO indication in the bible that all suicides go to hell. God's love is for all people and Christ's death was for all sins.
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