Please Help I Feel Like I'm Not Even Incontrol. I Feel Like I'm Going Crazy
I cant talk I forget words I stutter. It's hard to vocalize my thoughts. Also i shake all the time. It's way worse when im nervous or stressed which makes my anxiety flare up and makes the shaking extremely worse almost like tremors or Parkinson's people thing I'm on drugs it's so bad
Just my thoughts to see if they help you, if you haven't already consulted your psychiatrist, it's a good place to start. Many of the different medications have tremors listed in their side effects
Please let your doctor know about the shaky tremor like symptoms as they can become permanent if not addressed in a timely manner. Hoping you find some relief soon! Hugs
Thank you I've never had someone even know what I'm talking so just knowing I'm not alone helps
Just recently i have been doing alot of research on hormones and found out if emblanced that is hard to detect in bloodwork can cause this reaction when stress or anxiety so I've been exploring dhea cortisol and ashwagandha. Not at the same time individually so I'll keep you posted if something helps!
I have the same symptoms when my anxiety flares up. I shake horribly , stutter, get lost in what I'm doing like I just forget what I'm doing right in the middle of doing it. It's a horrible feeling and I hate you're going through it. When mine gets really bad, the only thing I have found that helps ease it off at least is breathing. When I have an attack I start hyperventilating and I start breathing in and out as slow as i can at the moment. At the same time I find something to focus on around me. Count to 10. And repeat until it calms. This doesn't always help great but its the only thing I have found. So im open to suggestions as well on help dealing with this. And I wish you and everyone else the absolute best of luck to get through this.
Sending love and light to you dear
That happened to me when I took Wellbutrin. The shaking stuttering couldn't remember words. Took it for 2 weeks. It was awful, I thought I was having a stroke
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