How Are You Affected When You Cannot Keep To Your Daily Routine Or Getting Daily Goals Done?
@A MyDepressionTeam Member yeah I often struggle with completing simple house hold tasks, but I try to do them anyway because I know I will feel better once they are done. All we can do is try.
I find I set small goals so I don't get fustrated
I get angry with myself and the I start getting depressed and then I tell myself that solution is in my hands so get off your butt and start getting things done.
I do what I can and try not to beat myself up if I didn’t accomplish everything
With God’s grace we are given a new day to try again
I try to prioritize, what’s really important
I have given myself some permission to procrastinate just alittle instead of nose to the grindstone always/———-
I also would have to look at the goals that I don’t seem to be accomplishing and reflect on why not?
The answers usually come
I just tell myself it will get done tomorrow. I don't let it get to me. Unless it's something that has to be done then I stress over it.
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Does Your Depression Affect Your Goals In Life That You Just Don't Care About Them Sometimes?
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