For Those Of You Who Still Menstruate, How Does Your Cycle Affect Your Mental Health?
I noticed my anxiety goes up during a certain time of the month. It could be partly hormones, but it doesn't help that I just don't feel good! But anyways, I think society in general doesn't talk a lot about periods or mental health, so mental health during "the curse" just isn't mentioned! So, feel free to discuss it here without judgement 😊
My monthly cycle was due today but it hasn't come yet
@A MyDepressionTeam Member that sucks about the timing! Mine is due pretty soon, & there's nothing like dealing with my loud and obnoxious family in this condition!
My anxiety goes up during my monthly cycle and sometimes just every day
My depression is worse around that time of month too so I feel that pain. I just started tonight, right before Christmas right, goody!
My depression also around that time of the month
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