What Advice Are You Grateful To Share With Others About Depression?
I have found that having a living being to care for makes you get out of bed each morning. I have pets. Some people have plants. Some have children! Having a reason to get out of bed helps. Otherwise, I would stay in bed all day.
Never be scared or ashamed to tell people you have depression and take it day by day.
Advice? Recognize a few positive things each day that you can appreciate about yourself. Be as kind to yourself as possible in your thoughts, words, and deeds. Don’t listen to the lies that depression likes to tell. See them for what they are - distortions. Look for the little pleasures your life still offers you along the way and remember you’re not alone!
Depression has shown me that sadness can be a part of being human too
I don’t if I can give any advice really, however what I would say is you have to learn to love yourself, you ARE important and even on your worst day, people do want you to make it. Take each day at a time, do not become the victim, this can be hard to hear from family and friends but I feel positive as year is coming to an end. Sending positive thoughts and energy to you all xx
Is There Anyone Here That Uses Art To Deal With Their Depression.?
How To Stop Thinking Of Someone Who Never Loved You But Care About Their Health.
Does Anybody Hate Their Job? So Much So That They Have Depression?