Can / Could Depression Get As Bad As Turning Into Suicidal?
If you are feeling depressed, go to the nearest Emergency Room. They should be able to help you. PLEASE seek help if you are feeling suicidal! It's not worth the heartbreak that it brings to your family and loved ones. They will always blame themselves. They will feel like they should have seen signs of your depression and suicide ideation/thoughts. Please don't harm yourself or the ones you love!
Yes you must seek urgent medical help if you are having suicidal thoughts and not only for your family,s sake. I have had suicidal thoughts in the past and and so glad I got help. There have been so many times when I have been thankful that I didn't go through with it.
Definitely. For me it has. I just havent given into my thoughts turning them into action. Which is hell of a battle.
If it does seek treatment immediately
Ive had suicidal ideation for years. I wish that i could erase myself from life. I would never want to hurt my family. They have no idea how i feel. They would be hurt even knowing. So i will not.
How To Answer About Suicide And After
Post Hospital Admission Shame.
How Do I Stay Strong When I Feel Suicidal And I Just Got Broken Up With By The Person I Love Most