What To Do When You Feel Trapped In A Toxic Relationship?
i was just in a similar situation and i had to reevaluate the relatioship, is it good for my mental heath, is it weighing me down, is it createing anxiety of depression, if so i had to start by setting boundries and if those boundries wernt met i had to end relationship, i still feel sad sometimes but my mental health has inproved.
@A MyDepressionTeam Member - First of all, you've acknowledged it :) Every day, start off by mentally training yourself to become emotionally detached as soon as you feel 'triggered' around him/her. Toxic relationships has a massive flaw - Victim/Victimizing.
And feeling as though we are the 'victim' ends in self-destruction. And we need to learn how to survive with our mind in this role.... If you've been feeling this way - Train your mind to shut off whenever you're getting verbally attacked so that you ' don't argue back. The key is not allowing their words to affect you anymore, being silent when you want to defend yourself is when you've got control.
- Shut off all of the negative emotions, especially the anger.... Just stay silent and pretend to agree and nod. The only way to conquer toxicity is by challenging our mind to the reality of the Relationship being toxic, by seeing it as a 'Warriors' journey. The relationship itself, is the most important lesson of all. We do not want to close our Hearts to Love, no matter what. And the only way is by accepting the fact that the Toxicity is caused by both of you and not the other person.
The emotions of anger can blind us when the pain is trapped.... If anything, remember the Love you both shared - No matter what, know that it began with Love.... For your own mind. When the fights occcur ... So, how they act toward you, how they make you feel, how they speak to you.... Know that you are in control of your reaction, they have no power there.
The courage within you, just by mentally and emotionally living this day-to-day, we lose ourselves by seeing who we are through the other persons eyes... But our strength is born when as of now - Learn to fight for you.
Prayers for you 😘🤗😇🙏
Agree with Patsy! I stayed way 2 long in both marriages!!!!
Get out as soon as possible, it's not going to get better, Prayers and Love to you 🙏😇🥰🌹
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