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Top 10 search results for "Light Therapy" in Resources. To see all results and access other features, sign up for free.

No matter how severe depression can be, treatment is available. The two most common types of trea...

Treatments for Depression

No matter how severe depression can be, treatment is available. The two most common types of trea...
Depression can send our anxiety into a spiral. Some members on MyDepressionTeam say that meditati...

Meditation and Depression

Depression can send our anxiety into a spiral. Some members on MyDepressionTeam say that meditati...
Chronic fatigue as a state of being tired—not sleepy, but physically drained, can feel overpoweri...

Fatigue and Depression

Chronic fatigue as a state of being tired—not sleepy, but physically drained, can feel overpoweri...
Below the surface, living with depression can mean days spent in bed, missed appointments, and al...

Depression: What People Don't See (Infographic)

Below the surface, living with depression can mean days spent in bed, missed appointments, and al...
Negative thoughts can play in a constant loop in our minds because of depression. Intrusive thoug...

Negative Thinking and Depression

Negative thoughts can play in a constant loop in our minds because of depression. Intrusive thoug...
At times depression causes us to retreat and pull away. Family and friends may not understand or ...

Social Life and Depression

At times depression causes us to retreat and pull away. Family and friends may not understand or ...
Depression can cause many difficult feelings, and one of those is guilt. Sometimes we feel bad ab...

Feeling Guilty and Depression

Depression can cause many difficult feelings, and one of those is guilt. Sometimes we feel bad ab...
Welcome to MyDepressionTeam — the place to connect with others living with depression. This vide...

Getting Started on MyDepressionTeam (VIDEO)

Welcome to MyDepressionTeam — the place to connect with others living with depression. This vide...
Journaling may be a good way to manage your depression. Tracking things like moods, diet, and tri...

Mood Journals and Depression

Journaling may be a good way to manage your depression. Tracking things like moods, diet, and tri...
"Exercise always helps with my depression. It is actually the only thing that helps get me out of...

Exercise and Depression

"Exercise always helps with my depression. It is actually the only thing that helps get me out of...