Tapering Off Lexapro Because Of Severe Eyelid Inflammation
Anybody else have this problem? I was on 20mg of Lexapro. Although I felt like it was helping my mood a bit, I was very tired all day, even while taking it at night and my eyelids swelled up 2 days after starting it. I've been tapering down and I'm at 10mg right now. I go down to 5mg in a week. Im hoping my eye problem goes away. I will say, I don't feel quite right. I feel anxious even with taking klonopin. Not sure if it's withdrawal symptoms or the Lexapro was really helping my anxiety. Can't… read more
I agree with MAO inhibitors. I try to avoid those at all cost. 😕
Has Buspar Combined With Lexapro Helped Anyone????
Are/were you taking Buspar for anxiety? That's my experience with it - it's for anxiety. I was on it for years but am no longer on it. As far as I know there's no indication for use with another… read more
How Long Will Lexapro Take To Work For Depression?
Want Is Lexapro (Escitalopram) Like ?
I have just been prescribed it..Is it any good and what are the side effects like?
I actually just went off of it. I was on too many antidepressants
Will My Depression Get Better On Lexapro?
I have PTSD, Anxiety, and Depression. Thanks!
I'm so glad
Does Anyone Else Take Effexor?
I've been taking a high dose of Effexor since I gave birth to my daughter who's almost 18 months old. But if I miss a dose, I feel like I'm having a breakdown because the withdrawal symptoms are so bad. Does this happen to anyone else? What should I do?
Yes I also take a high dose (have been for 15+ years). This is not a medication someone should stop cold turkey. It needs to be gradually reduced (like every few months).
Hi, How Is Everyone Doing Today?
I can't go to bed early for any reason at all, sigh. Sure wish I could, but I was a night shift person for many years, and I can't break the habit now. An early night for me would be 3am.
Anyone Been On Zoloft? Just Started And I'm Always Scared With New Meds!
Leslie, I think that happens with all of them !
Has Anyone Ever Been On Pristique Before?
Can I Take Effexor And Wellbutrin Together For Major Depression?
I was on factor for 10 years and recently in the past six months I’ve been on Wellbutrin. I’m not a doctor but personally I just don’t think it’s a good idea. Maybe too much dopamine.